Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Airline travel JetBlue the most accommodating

The most difficult part of food allergies is you never know when an ingredient you are allergic to will pop up in a recipe or restaurant.  Asking every person you visit or restaurant you go to what ingredients are in the food can be difficult and embarrassing.  People without food allergies do not take them seriously or consider them life threatening.  So often I end up eating before I go out to make sure that I can identify what I am eating.  Air travel can be the most frustrating.  Airlines regularly serve nuts as an snack.  As someone who becomes ill just from the scent of nuts I have great trepidation once the snacks begin to be served.  JetBlue will not serve nuts if you let them know when you board that you have a nut allergy.  I appreciate the service because it takes all the anxiety and risk out of air travel.  Thus my first recommendation is to fly JetBlue if you have food allergies.

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