Saturday, August 2, 2014

Make August Food Allergy Awareness Month

I think this campaign is a great idea!  It is right before the start of school and everyone who deals with children should be educated about food allergies.

The Food Allergy Research and Education Organization FARE

Did you know?
  • Fifteen million Americans have food allergies?
  • Every three minutes someone ends up in the Emergency Room with a reaction from a food allergy?
  • Food allergies in children have increased by 50% between 1997 and 2011.
  • Food allergies now affect one in thirteen children
  • There are eight foods that cause the most reactions
    • milk
    • peanuts
    • eggs
    • tree nuts
    • soy
    • wheat
    • fish
    • shellfish
With the explosion of food allergies in children and the fact there is no cure an awareness of what to do when a reaction happens is very important!  

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