Monday, August 4, 2014

Protection During an Anaphylaxis

School will be beginning shortly and whether you are starting first grade, high school or college it is important to protect yourself if you have food allergies.  Two very important things to do to make sure you are protected during an anaphylactic reaction are to have a form on file at your school or place of work allowing someone to administer a dose of from your epi-pen.  Depending on how severe your reaction is you may not have the ability to do it yourself.  Allergic Living -- a magazine and website has a very helpful form to use to provide authorization for just such an event. The link to the form follows;

A second very important thing to know is how to administer an epi-pen shot in the event you have anaphylaxis.  Epi-pen has put together a very good video teaching you how to administer it to yourself.

Being prepared and practicing can save your life but also others lives. Warning an employer or a school about your allergies protects you in the case of an emergency.  

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