Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Best Treatments for Anaphylaxis EPI Pen vs. Auvi-Q

For years people with allergies had little recourse once they had an allergic reaction.  As a child I was rushed to the emergency room with severe allergic reactions. The doctors pumped me full of Benedryl and steroids to help me breathe.  Once my anaphylaxis was identified I was prescribed an Epi-pen.  It is a large pen filled with epinephrine providing immediate relief for anaphylaxis giving the sufferer enough time to get to the emergency room.  When I was young, the school, my mother and anyone who took care of me carried one.  As I got older and was responsible for my own safety I carried one as well.  The size of the epi-pen was cumbersome.  Often I would not bring it with me because there was nowhere to put it.  It was too big to carry in your pocket.  So instead I took the chance nothing would happen to me.

Recently, a new pen has become available.  It is the auvi-q (pictured above).  It is smaller than a pack of cards and has a voice designed to talk you through administering the epinephrine to yourself.  It fits conveniently in your pocket allowing you to take it anywhere.  The link to the website is www.auvi-q.com.  It is a very positive change for individuals who must always be vigilant about food allergies. 

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