Thursday, June 19, 2014

Testing for food allergies

Determining what foods you are allergic to or if you even have a food allergy can be difficult.  If you have severe reactions to certain foods it is pretty easy to say you are allergic and you should avoid those foods.  But if you have gastrointestinal problems or rashes from food allergies it is difficult to determine if you have a food allergy or an intestinal problem.  This is why testing is so important.  The most common way to test for food allergies is a skin prick test.  A skin prick test can be problematic if you have severe reactions.  Generally, doctors require you stay in the doctor's office for a few hours to make sure a severe reaction does not occur.  If food reactions are severe another possibility is a blood test.  I have found blood tests can provide both false negatives and false positives.  If a skin test is not a possibility a trial elimination diet is the best way to prove your allergies.  Start out by eliminating all foods you think you may be allergic to.  Then add foods one by one to your diet to determine if there is an allergic reaction.  Your body is the best test for allergic reactions.  Remember however, if you have experienced anaphylaxis you should not add those foods.  You are allergic and testing will only bring on a more serious reaction.

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