Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Symptoms and Signs of an Allergic Reaction

It is not always clear when you have an allergic reaction.  Different allergies can cause different reactions.  The most dangerous allergic reaction is anaphylaxis.  My experience with anaphylaxis involves eating nuts.  For me anaphylaxis means my throat feels like it is closing and I can't breathe.  If it goes on for too long you can go into shock. 

Other reactions that aren't quite as dangerous but can be very uncomfortable are

  • Skin Irritation
    • Redness
    • Swelling
    • Blistering
    • Weeping
    • Crusting,
    • Rash
    • Hives
  • Shortness of breath
    • Wheezing
    • Tightness
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath
  • Eye irritation
    • Bloodshot eyes
    • Itching
    • Swelling
    • Watering
  • Stomach issues
    • Pain
    • Nausea
    • Diarrhea
  • Nasal Issues
    • Stuffy nose
    • Runny nose
    • Sneezing
  • Head Issues
    • Swelling of the face, neck, eyelids, lips, tongue or throat 
    • Hoarseness of the voice
    • Headache
Sometimes it's hard to tell whether your reaction is a food allergy, a pollen allergy or an allergic reaction to a cat or a dog.  It is important to be diligent and notice when the reactions occur.  I have found with food allergies the more often they happen the more severe they are.

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